Tuesday, 19 May 2009

UKIP on Voice of Africa 94.3 fm London

We in UKIP London have known since Frank Maloney’s Mayoral campaign in 2004 that hard working, church going folk from the Caribbean are big on the Mother Country and many vote UK Independence Party. However being invited on Radio Africa to talk about the UKIP line for over an hour, 4-5pm on Tuesday 19th of May was a real first for the UK Independence Party.

Space Clottey of Radio Africa was very interested to hear of the EU’s economic Partnership Agreements imposed on African Countries, of EU protectionist tariff barriers making African produce uneconomic, and about EU fishing vessels scouring the African coast of Fish, (just as they scoured the UK coast) forcing Mauritanian fishermen et al to emigrate to the EU via the Canaries in open boats with many deaths at sea on the way.

I pulled no punches on green issues, the expenses scandal at Westminster and in the Euro Parliament, or indeed about UKIP's firm immigration policy, but the fact is it does not matter what colour you are. No UK worker welcomes the 500m EU citizens who have a legal right to come here and undercut UK wages under the EU’s freedom of movement of workers legislation. It’s an EU race to the bottom and so much for the protection of a trade union.

I may have opened up a whole new constituency for the UK Independence Party. And it was my first time on radio. Was I any good? Well Radio Africa are talking about inviting me back to face down the BNP. Will the BNP have the nerve to take them up on it? I doubt it somehow. But if they do I will be there doing my bit for UKIP, common sense and a rising vote for my fellow UKIP candidates.

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